Lenten Soup Supper and Service

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Come out during Lent for a soup and bun supper at 6:30, followed by Lenten service. Members are asked to sign up to bring pots of soup and buns each week (3 pots of soup per week are needed).

Maundy Thursday

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Service starts at 7:15pm

Good Friday

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Service begins at 10:30am

Easter Sunday

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

9:30am Breakfast 10:00am Easter Egg Hunt 10:30am Church Service

An Afternoon of Arts and Crafts

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Come out and craft! 1-4pm. Everyone is welcome.


Animate: Community

Godly Play Workshop

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Movie Night

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Check back for details in the coming weeks


Mother’s Day Tea

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Mother’s Day Tea Sunday, May 8th at 10:00 am. Everyone is welcome! Please join us before service for a simple Mother’s Day Tea. Come sip some tea, eat some baked goods, and enjoy each other’s company!

Movie Night

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Movie starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome.


Love Your Church BBQ

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada