Lenten Service with soup and bun supper
Our Thursday evening soup and bun suppers at 6:30pm, followed by Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm, will begin on Thursday February 22nd and continue until Maundy Thursday, March 28th.
Our Thursday evening soup and bun suppers at 6:30pm, followed by Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm, will begin on Thursday February 22nd and continue until Maundy Thursday, March 28th.
Our Thursday evening soup and bun suppers at 6:30pm, followed by Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm, will begin on Thursday February 22nd and continue until Maundy Thursday, March 28th.
Please join us on Thursday March 28th at 7:15pm for our Maundy Thursday service, preceded by the soup and bun supper at 6:30pm. "Maundy" comes from the Latin word mandatum, or commandment, reflecting Jesus' words "I give you a new commandment." Jesus gave his disciples as he prepared to be betrayed: ‘love one another, as […]
Please join us on Friday March 29th at 10:30am for our Good Friday service. The solemn liturgy of Good Friday recalls the trial, suffering and crucifixion of Jesus as we journey with Jesus along the via Dolorosa, the Way of Sorrows. On Good Friday we seek not so much to understand the Cross as to […]
Please join us on Sunday March 31st at 10:30am for our Easter Sunday Service. After the excitement of the Vigil, Easter morning marks the beginning of our fifty days of Easter joy. Alleluia, having been excised from our liturgy during Lent, becomes the joyful refrain of this season. Alleluia, Christ is Risen! He is Risen […]
A hike is planned for Saturday, July 6 to Sugar Mountain in Anmore...rain or shine. We will meet at the church for 8:30 am and carpool to Jim and Karen Matthews' place to park and start the hike. Pack water, snacks and bug spray and I would recommend that you wear hiking boots or trail runners. Dogs are welcome on leash. The […]
We did this one a couple of years ago and it was great. The trail head starts at Port Moody Senior and after some lovely forested area we get into a couple residential areas and then back into the trail and end up back at the church. There are some steep inclines when we hit […]
Join us for the startup of our Sunday School program! We begin on the Sunday after Labor Day, and then will continue to run on the 1st Sunday of each month. We welcome all children from ages 4-10