Winter Clothing Drive

KOL will be collecting gently used warm clothing for the most vunerable Tri-City residents over the next three weeks (Nov 19-Dec 10). Now’s the time to go through your closet and drawers and bring in any sweaters, jackets or pants you’re no longer wearing. We will have a collection bin in the Narthex. Other items […]

November Walk

Button up your winter coat, put on your mittens and join us for a festive and  magical walk around LaFarge Lake! We’ll also grab a hot chocolate afterwards. When: Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 7pmWhere:  Meet at the breeze way at the Evergreen  Cultural Centre. Please contact the church office at if you would like to […]

Charlie Brown Christmas Jazz Trio

Join us on Sunday December 3rd for a Charlie Brown Christmas jazz trio as we welcome back CJ Kumar on bass, Mike Hornvedt on drums and Lorna on piano in playing music from a Charlie Brown Christmas.  We will also be collecting donations to the SHARE Christmas Hampers via cash or e-transfer to (include […]

Christmas and Candlelight

Please join us on Thursday December 14th at 7pm for an evening of quiet, contemplative, instrumental music amongst the candlelight.

Holiday church office closure

The church office will be closed for Christmas from Friday December 22nd at 2pm to Monday January 8.  The office will reopen on the Monday January 8 at 10am. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call Pastor Dorothy directly, or leave a voicemail on the church office voicemail (604-941-0552) and we will be paged.

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve – Sunday December 24th, 4:30pm – a Candlelight service with Holy Communion Please note: there is no service on the morning of December 24th

Chinese Knotting Craft

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Join us as we learn to create a tassel pendant made up of a Chinese knot and tassel. All are welcome! Please email the church office at to register for this class.

Ash Wednesday Service

King of Life Lutheran Church 1198 Falcon Dr, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Please join us on Wednesday February 14th at 7pm for our Ash Wednesday service, here at King of Life

Lenten service with soup and bun supper

Our Thursday evening soup and bun suppers at 6:30pm, followed by Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm, will begin on Thursday February 22nd and continue until Maundy Thursday, March 28th.

Lenten service with soup and bun supper

Our Thursday evening soup and bun suppers at 6:30pm, followed by Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm, will begin on Thursday February 22nd and continue until Maundy Thursday, March 28th.

Lenten Service with soup and bun supper

Our Thursday evening soup and bun suppers at 6:30pm, followed by Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm, will begin on Thursday February 22nd and continue until Maundy Thursday, March 28th.